What Would Solving Your Biggest Problems With Women Do For Your Life in 2025?
Join the inner circle of Mark’s 3 Month Coaching Program and Get The Skills And Mindset Required to Attract High-Quality Women at Will GUARANTEED

From the Desk of Mark Sing, 8:35pm, Denver,
Dear Friend,
Imagine having the power to make girls attracted to you…
Imagine being the man at parties… at clubs… in your day to day life … and being the guy that every girl is hoping to be with.
Vividly envision yourself as the man you’ve always wanted to be…
The kind of guy who walks down the street knowing that women want to date him and men want to BE HIM.
The kind of guy who finds the right girl because he has OPTIONS…
Not because he settles for a girl who is “just good enough.”
I want you to experience how good that would feel RIGHT NOW…
I want you to believe it’s possible for you…
and I want you to GET EXCITED.
Because I’m about to offer you the opportunity to become THAT GUY.
I’m about to go into that brain of yours — and like a mad scientist — rewrite your programs so you operate with ease … confidence … and an attractive vibe that will make women want you.
You see…
The only thing standing between you and what you desire is the programming in your brain.
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) goes to work directly on these programs.
My job is to identify your negative programming and rewire them in the quickest, easiest way possible.
We’ll install new software that all attractive men have…
I’ll teach you EVERYTHING you need to know about seduction from A-Z…
And women will react to you like never before.
So if you’re sick and tired of getting the same dismal results with women…
If you feel like you have one foot on the gas pedal and one foot on the brake…
If you don’t feel like “yourself” and you refuse to keep living this way…
And if you’re committed — TRULY COMMITTED — to getting this part of your life fixed once and for all…
Here’s What’s Included in my 3-Month Coaching Program:
Element #1
12 Weeks of Intensive Seduction Training
(Time commitment: 2 hours per week)
Each week you are provided with a lesson pertaining to that week’s topic.
The lessons are videos & audios of me sharing my fiercely guarded, PREMIUM secrets for attracting women in the easiest way possible.
The curriculum is highly focused on getting women into your life NOW.
Most clients have their first sexual experience with a girl within 4 weeks of starting the program.
Week 1. How to Approach & Attract Girls Without Fear of Rejection
Week 2. Frame Control — The Single Most Important Element of Seduction
Week 3. Online Gaming Masterclass
Week 4. The 4 Pillars of Attraction
Week 5. How to Get TONS of Girls Into Your Life
Week 6. How to Make Girls Irresistibly Attracted to You
Week 7. Texting & Social Media Master Training
Week 8. How to Pull Off The Perfect First Date & Beyond
Week 9. Mark’s All-Time Best Attraction Building Tactics
Week 10. How to Get Physical and Be a Beast in The Bedroom
Week 11. How to Make Girls Fall in Love with You
Week 12: How to Manage a Meaningful Long Term Relationship
Element #2
12 Weeks of Group Coaching Calls (2 Calls Per Week!)
Each week you get TWO one hour and fifteen minute coaching sessions on Zoom.
1 weekly session is with one of my expert resource coaches, Austin or Taylan.
And 1 weekly session is with ME!
I strictly limit the number of available seats so that each client can get boatloads of personal attention.
This usually turns out to be my client’s favorite part of the program.
The energy … insights … and positive vibes shared in each session make them some of the most motivating and eagerly anticipated elements of the course.
You quickly find out there are men JUST LIKE YOU facing the same challenges and many lifelong friendships have grown out of the Brotherhood.
“I grew more in 3 months than I ever have in my entire life. Not only did I lose my virginity … and not only am I now dating 4 girls at any given time … but I feel more like myself than I ever have before. This program was life-changing, completely healing, and surprisingly FUN! Highly highly highly HIGHLY suggested. Mark is a straight-up magician at what he does.”
– Lester Yalesburg, 34, Tacoma, Washington
Element #3
12 Week Custom NLP Protocol
(Time commitment: About an hour a week)
The beginning of your 3-month adventure starts with a FREE 1-hour Breakthrough Session with my partner and fellow NLP dating expert, Victor Lynch.
During that session Victor will give you a “Deep Dive NLP Analysis.”
His objective is to uncover your bad belief systems, schemas, archetypes, and past traumas surrounding women and dating.
And he will only invite you to the program if he’s certain I can at least 10X your results.
After you’re invited to the program you’ll be asked to fill out your “NLP Intake Form.”
Based on the DSM4 psychological manual … as well as the 5 neurological levels of NLP … this is a questionnaire that will identify your limiting beliefs … schemas … traumas … archetypes … and meta programming that have hindered your success with women for years.
From that questionnaire — as well as the notes Victor takes on you — I personally design a CUSTOM 12-week NLP protocol that you’ll go through during your 3-month coaching experience.
CLICK HERE to listen to a recent podcast episode I recorded about how NLP works … how I use it in this program … what the weekly workload looks like … and the results you can expect during your 3-months of NLP.
Here’s an example from “Week 2” of the 12-week custom NLP protocol:

The NLP protocol I will design for you will give you the beliefs and attitudes of a man who is naturally attractive to women and who is highly confident in himself and his unapologetic, masculine presence.
***SIDE NOTE: Most clients who experience my custom NLP protocol report a significant increase in their mental health and well being … they 10X their success with women on average … and they make 15-25% more money after getting their brains reprogrammed and reset back to their natural self-esteem. This protocol represents the absolute cutting edge in brain reprogramming technology.
Element #4
Unlimited Access to Mark Sing and “The Brotherhood” Facebook Group
As your personal dating coach, I offer unprecedented access to me through email and our Facebook group called “The Brotherhood.”
Any time you have a question you can either email me or post it inThe Brotherhood Facebook Group.
Once you post your question you’ll usually get 2-3 answers in MINUTES…
And up to 30 answers over the next 24 hours! (including my answer).
At the time you’re reading this there are OVER FIVE HUNDRED veterans of my coaching program in the The Brotherhood.
That means you’ll have unprecedented access to over 500 men who are assassins with women!
Every question gets answered … every answer is more brilliant than the one before it … and every guy has unlimited access to the group FOR LIFE.
Talk about a gigantic value add…
Many wingmen … city-based meet ups … and lifelong friendships have grown out of The Brotherhood.
And it’s one of the elements of this program I’m the most proud of!

Texting with a cute girl? Just put a screenshot of your text in The Brotherhood and we’ll swarm on it giving you all the right things to say to bring her to the next step.

This is an invaluable resource for the brothers to keep each other accountable … offer their own perspectives … and help each other speed to success with women.
Element #5
The Mark Sing Video Anthology
44 chapters … 13 hours of hard hitting content … this dating masterclass is yours FOR LIFE.
I use it to supplement the week to week lessons. For example…
If you’re in week 2 of the program — Frame control — and I haven’t yet taught you how to execute the perfect first date.
You’ll just pull up the Mark Sing Video Anthology for what to do on your upcoming date.
Each video is roughly 20 minutes long and includes all my best tactics, tricks, techniques and secrets to get women obsessed with you.
I also include an audio-only version for clients who prefer that format.
Here’s The Chapter List For The Anthology:
Chapter 1 – What Women Are Attracted to
Chapter 2 – What Women Are Not Attracted to
Chapter 3 – Your Beliefs
Chapter 4 – Your Standards
Chapter 5 – Body Language Secrets
Chapter 6 – Female Psychology 101
Chapter 7 – Bringing a Good Dynamic to The Nightclub
Chapter 8 – What to Wear
Chapter 9 – How to Read Her Interest & Attraction
Chapter 10 – Approaching & Opening
Chapter 11 – Day Game Masterclass
Chapter 12 – Dealing With Rejection
Chapter 13 – Foundation to The Initial Conversation
Chapter 14 – What to Talk About
Chapter 15 – How to Tell Stories
Chapter 16 – Cold Reading
Chapter 17 – Roleplaying
Chapter 18 – Gambits Part 1
Chapter 19 – Gambits Part 2
Chapter 20 – Alliances, Misinterpretation, and Building Intrigue
Chapter 21 – Push/Pull
Chapter 22 – How to be a Challenge
Chapter 23 – Frame Control
Chapter 24 – Requests
Chapter 25 – Advanced Body Language Techniques
Chapter 26 – Dealing with Distractions and Cock Blocks
Chapter 27 – Approaching Groups
Chapter 28 – Winging
Chapter 29 – Making Her Work For You
Chapter 30 – Physical Escalations for Building Attraction
Chapter 31 – How to Get Her Phone Number
Chapter 32 – How to Make a First Phone Call
Chapter 33 – Texting Game Masterclass
Chapter 34 – First Hang Out Part 1
Chapter 35 – First Hang Out Part 2
Chapter 36 – Building Rapport
Chapter 37 – First Kiss
Chapter 38 – Relationship Dynamic
Chapter 39 – Internet Gaming
Chapter 40 – The tao of Inner Game
Chapter 41 – Defining the Ego
Chapter 42 – Dissolving Negativity
Chapter 43 – Facing the Shadow
Chapter 44 – Being in the Now
Element #6
My 90 Day … “Honor of a Spartan” … IRONCLAD GUARANTEE
Here’s my unbreakable promise to you…
Join us in this life changing program for 90 days.
Do the NLP.
Go through the lessons.
Get girls into your bed.
And if you’re not 100% satisfied by the end of your 3-month coaching experience…
If you’re not brimming with joy with the results you’re getting…
In other words, I will work with you until you achieve your desired success with women.
That’s how confident I am in this program … my NLP technology … and my skills as a dating coach!!!
Client Case Study: Danno S
See how Danno went from a 12/10 approach anxiety to ZERO approach anxiety with NLP
Danno joined the program with a massive case of approach anxiety.
He wanted to approach women he was attracted to, but his limiting belief systems kept him stuck in his tracks.
Within just a few weeks of NLP, Danno’s approach anxiety was eliminated where he could approach attractive women at will.
We accomplished this by removing his most toxic belief systems with the “TT Protocol”.
And with one of my favorite NLP processes: “The Approach Anxiety Destroyer.”
Today Danno has ZERO approach anxiety.
And he’s settled down with a girl who he calls “A Bonafide 10.”
Client Case Study: Matt M
Matt M 10X’d his dates … sexual experiences … and is now making 51% more money because of this program!
Matt came into the program after a rough break up that destroyed his confidence.
Insecure, low value, and angry as a hornet, Matt couldn’t see his own potential and was riddled with self-doubt.
After facing his demons like a man and going through the NLP I assigned him, Matt reclaimed the self esteem he was born with.
And starting pulling really attractive women on a consistent, week to week basis.
Matt sent me pictures of the girls he pulled during his time with us…
The video testimonial above was not solicited.
Matt asked to stay after his last call with me and give me his sincere thank you.
That’s a testament to the sheer power of this program.
Can we get the same results for you?
There’s only one way to find out!
Apply for your free Breakthrough session below and see if we can 10X your current results with women!
Client Case Study: Steven R
From ONE DATE a month to TEN DATES a Month … From a 3 Confidence to a 10 Confidence!
Steven came to me after a tough divorce that crippled his confidence.
He was looking to not only repair his self esteem, but also to master the art of getting women attracted to him.
After just a few weeks in the program Steven had a massive shift.
By week 6 he was telling stories of all his successes in the coaching calls.
Girls throwing themselves at him … going on multiple dates a week … and having to turn down sex.
Today Steven boasts a 10/10 confidence.
And he’s 10X’d the number of dates he gets on a week to week basis.
Client Case Study: Taylan B
See how Taylan destroyed negative belief systems to date model-caliber women
Taylan grew up with a bad case of acne.
And even though his acne went away, he still had the negative programming around it.
So with NLP we were able to remove those illogical beliefs.
And install new beliefs that made Taylan feel like the prize.
Taylan went from 4 dates A YEAR to 18 dates in the 3 month program alone.
Now Taylan is dating model-caliber women and choosing them from abundance.
Client Case Study: Derek S
Starting in week 6 of the program, Derek was landing 3 dates a week with significantly hotter girls
Considering himself an introvert, Derek’s main hangup was what to say on the approach and what to talk about.
After teaching Derek my methods he realized he didn’t need to change his personality…
He just needed to change WHAT he talked about with women.
By week 6 of the program Derek was going on 3 dates per week.
And the girls he was dating were, in his own words, “Night and day different.”
They were significantly hotter and much more enjoyable to be around than the unattractive women he used to date.
Today Derek has the skill set to approach and attract women at will.
And he consistently recommends the program to family and friends who need help with their dating life.
Client Case Study: Jesus M
In just 3 months Jesus went from an insecure ‘yes man’, to a confident Alpha who’s not to be fucked with
Coming to the program as the typical “nice guy,” Jesus was sick and tired of being used by women.
Getting friend-zoned and losing attraction after the first date, he knew he needed a radical change.
Within weeks of his start Jesus had a lightbulb moment when it came to the concept of frame control.
He understood he could still be kind and chivalrous to women, while at the same time showing them that his boundaries are not to be crossed.
He also realized he didn’t need to be an enthusiastic Mark Sing to get girls.
He could be his mellow, quiet self, but he needed to present that to women in a confident, unapologetic way.
That realization — as well as the 3 months of intensive NLP — skyrocketed Jesus’ confidence and success with women.
Client Case Study: Ramon T
Within 3 weeks of the program Ramon felt his 50+ years of low self esteem was surgically removed from his brain
Ramon was a common archetype I see in the program.
Becoming single in his 50s … insecure … kissing the ass of women … not knowing what to do or say…
Ramon was one of many middle aged men who have come to me feeling hopeless.
They think their best days are behind them.
But I know something they don’t — their best days are yet to come!
The differentiating factor for Ramon was the custom 12 week NLP protocol.
Within weeks of starting his protocol, he realized all the negative belief systems (BS) in his head were just that — BS!
We removed those belief systems and archetypes with NLP, and in a very short time Ramon was the hot shit in his community with the ladies.
It was a joy to hear Ramon’s stories of his sexual exploits week after week.
And it’s the same for 95% of the guys who come into my program.
For most men it just requires a simple remapping of their brain.
Women then sense their new-found confidence and throw themselves at them like a Tijuana brothel.
Such was the case with Ramon!
Client Case Study: Austin K
Just 2 months into the program Austin knew he had the power to get any girl he wanted
Austin contacted me when he was sick of dating girls far below his standards.
He wanted CHOICE.
And to get that choice, he knew he needed to learn the rules of attraction while dealing with his personal insecurities.
During the program Austin was the perfect client.
He did all the work assigned to him — about 5 hours per week — and implemented those lessons out in the field.
By week 2 he landed his first date…
By week 5 he had his first *hot girl* in his bed…
And by week 8 he had the mentality and skillset to get any girl he wanted.
This is the exact same shift that I promise to ALL my clients.
Client Case Study: Chris V
Sick of the apps, Chris V wanted the skillset to overcome his fear of rejection and get girls IN PERSON
We all know the dating apps offer limited results.
They’re good for practice & getting easy dates…
But real quality comes from meeting women in person.
Chris V came to me in the winter of 2023.
He could yank girls off the apps.
But they were far below what he wanted in hotness … personality … and overall quality.
Within 5 weeks of joining the program we completely crushed Chris’ approach anxiety.
Suddenly a new pool of super hot girls was available to him.
And he was like a fat kid at a cake fair.
By week 6 Chris was getting multiple dates a week with super hot girls from “real life” interactions.
He even had sex with 3 new girls in week 8 alone!!!
Today Chris is sifting through lots of different women to meet his queen.
He understand THE ONLY WAY to meet his perfect 10 is to have the skillset to attract women at will.
Then deploy that skillset on lots of women until the best one rises to the top.
This is the concept of “From Quantity Comes Quality”
see if we can 10X your current results with women!
Here’s What Current & Former Clients Are Saying About My 3-Month Coaching Program:

Need More Proof? Here Are 3 Interviews of Past Clients of My 3 Month Coaching Program
Get Your FREE 1 on 1 Breakthrough Session With Mark’s Wingmen and NLP Expert Victor Lynch. And See if Mark’s 3-Month Program is Right For You!
Victor Lynch

Victor is a true testament to what’s possible in Mark’s 3 month coaching program. Joining the program in the beginning of 2021, Victor was a self proclaimed ZERO when it came to women. Having low self esteem, anxiety, a bevy of negative beliefs about himself, and feeling hopeless when it came to dating, Victor will be the first to tell you that he changed more in those 3 months than he ever changed in his life.
According to Victor: “The growth I’ve experienced because of this program, particularly the NLP, is why I’ve chosen to dedicate my life to it. I’m consistently pulling nines and tens and I’m experiencing exponentially more happiness because of Mark and this program (and I don’t say that lightly). I’m here to help Mark share this powerful transformation with as many other men as possible.”
Since graduating, Mark and Victor have become close friends. They regularly game girls together and Mark always says of Victor: “The student has now become the master.”
Victor has since become certified in NLP and is now one of Mark’s dating coaches. Victor’s #1 objective is to give you a value-filled hour with him … to leave you with a truckload of ah-ha moments … and to help you determine if Mark’s program can bring you the same success it has brought to him.
What to do Next:
- Click the “Apply” button below.
- You’ll go through a quick questionnaire so I can better understand your struggles and what you’re hoping to achieve with women.
- I’ll email you within 24 hours of your submission (not counting weekends).
- You’ll pick a time in our schedule most suitable for you, then we’ll have a FREE “Breakthrough Session” where we’ll discuss your struggles, beliefs, goals, and what you’d love to achieve with women.
So What Are You Waiting For?
The sooner you apply … the sooner we can meet… and the sooner we can start getting you GIRLS!!!

Your friend,

P.S: Do you know the ONE SECRET all successful people share? This is a BIG ONE, so never forget it. THEY GET COACHING. Every single successful person I’ve ever met uses a coach. These successful people invest in themselves, because they know they’re the machine that decides the outcome of their lives. They know the smartest thing they can do is tune that machine until it operates as smoothly as possible. It’s the secret most guys will never know about getting REALLY GOOD with women.
P.P.S: If you have any questions you can email me directly at [email protected]
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I just want a one-time 1 on 1 NLP coaching session with you. Are you still offering that?
A: No. Due to the ever increasing demand on my time, my 1 on 1 waiting list was out to 14 weeks. That was just ridiculous. So I’ve closed that offer and have chosen to help fewer guys with a TOTAL solution rather than many guys with a partial solution. Besides, working with clients over 3 months is much more impactful than one-off sessions. We become close … I have a vested interest in their success … and I can TRULY change their life when I get that kind of time with them. Just imagine me reprogramming your brain and teaching you EVERYTHING I know about attracting women for 12 WEEKS STRAIGHT! The results I’m able to get for you with that kind of time is unprecedented. So if you want to team up with me — where you and I solve ALL your problems rather than just one or two — then I’d love to meet you! CLICK HERE to apply right now.
Q: Am I going to have to face my fears and get rejected in this program?
A: As an NLP coach I understand the quickest way to demotivate a client is to set him up for failure. As such, the program is structured for you to enter your fears systematically and put yourself in a positive feedback loop where you’re motivated by small successes rather than big failures. That said, from time to time I will challenge you. But it’s nothing you can’t handle. And as far as rejection from women goes, my system is designed so you don’t have to “put yourself out there” until you’re sure she’s already attracted to you. In that way, rejection is reduced significantly (and trust me, I’m going to give you plenty of techniques to get girls attracted to you FAST)! The secret to growth is to enter discomfort willingly. BUT to do so in a fun way that gives you far more reward than punishment. That’s what the program is specifically designed to do. And that’s why it’s so effective at getting my clients the results they’re after.
Q: Will I have to change who I am to become attractive to women?
A: No. It’s actually the opposite. It will make you feel like yourself again — that same self you were born as before other people came along and messed you up… The same happy, confident self you were as a child before other people gave you their toxic programming and limiting belief systems. You see, women can see right through you. And their attraction for you is based on how congruent you are with your genuine, natural self. So by erasing the BS others gave you before you could defend yourself, we’re simply getting you back to your inherent self-esteem. So the answer is actually YES. Yes, you will change. You’ll change back into the man you were supposed to be.
Q: How much time commitment does the program require?
A: 5 hours per week. If that’s too much time for you then you’re definitely NOT a good fit for the program.
Q: What kinds of results can I expect with this training?
A: As with all things, you get out of the program exactly what you put into it. You’re not just going to give me some money and wake up the next morning with a girl on your dick. But here’s what generally happens: IF you do the work — which as explained above is about 5 hours per week — most guys roughly 10X their results with women. Every virgin who has ever joined the program has lost his virginity (Yes, even those over 40). Adding to that, I’ve found that most men achieve 5-10 years worth of progress in the 3 short months we work together. In that way, the program is like a black hole shortcut to get this part of your life figured out once and for all. Furthermore, the training is specifically designed to get women into your life NOW; with fiercely guarded secrets to fill the top of your pipeline with multiple women just weeks after you start. So if you simply do the work … keep a positive, growth-oriented mindset … and COMMIT to the process … you will get the results you’re looking for.
Q: When can I get started?
A: Now that’s the question I like to hear! To get started, apply by clicking the link below. You’ll fill out the application, then we’ll set up a day & time for your 1 on 1 “Breakthrough Session” where you’ll meet with me personally. In that session we’ll discuss your challenges … beliefs … goals … and we’ll hammer out a road map for you to achieve your objectives with women in the fastest, easiest way possible. Then, if we both agree you’re a good fit for the program, I’ll invite you to join me with open arms. Interested? Then don’t wait one second longer. CLICK HERE to apply right now!